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Cecilia Yufan Zhang

Lucretia (13 & 15 August)

Singers programme


MA Performance in Vocal Studies, Royal Academy of Music (2024)

Te Pae Kōkako - MMus Advanced Opera Studies, University of Waikato, New Zealand (2023)

Solo Recital: “Us Against the World”, Te Pae Kōkako

I come from a diverse performance background as a dancer, pianist and chorister. I was first exposed to opera in university. It took me a while to warm up to it but I am now completely engrossed and obsessed with the art form. Opera is a feast for the eyes and ears, and it hits right into the heart! I love storytelling; I have the goal to connect with others through my singing, and one day as a director.

I am Chinese-Kiwi, and have lived both in the bustling city of Guangzhou and the beautiful Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland). I relocated to the UK in 2023, and so far I love London city! Things that make me happy include theatre, cooking, good food, coffee, cute cats, and cross-stitching.